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Hey Startups, Answer a Few Q's & Get Your #ShortPitch In Your Mailbox Now !!!

Your Business Email : 

Your Startup Name 

Your Startup TagLine 

The Problem 

The Solution

The Unique Value Proposition 

What are the problems that your product or service is going to address?

How is your product or solution going to address the problems ?

Explain what you do, how you are different, and why you are worth investing in. What is your promise to consumers? Zero in on the heart of your service and highlight what stands out about the product you provide.

The Competition

3 Main Competitors 

Competitor 1 : 

Competitor 2 : 

Competitor 3 : 

Competitor Names

Competiton Level 


Competitive Advantage

The Team 

Enter Details of Minimum 1 and Maximum 4 Team Members / Key Personnel. What is their background? How did they come to start or join this company

The Ask

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